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Elite Excellence LLC

Interviews/ Podcasts/ Presentations

Dr. Maria Trent Corey discusses Minority Mental Health and the impact of COVID-19
on The Life Gains Podcast
Raising Kids Intentionally with
Dr. Maria Trent Corey

Dr. Maria Trent Corey discusses her new children's book and how to intentionally raise kids with good character and positive values
on The Legacy Parenting Podcast

Lamont (Life Gains) Larry @TodayIFeelLi... Dr. Maria T. Corey
Dr. Maria Trent Corey discusses mental health treatment in times of COVID and her new book "Who Will I Be? It's All Up To Me!"
on The Life Gains Podcast
Dr. Maria Trent Corey discusses the intersection of faith & mental health treatment
on In The Light Podcast
Dr. Maria Trent Corey and her colleagues present important information about the pandemic's deleterious effects on childhood mental & physical health and how getting the COVID 19 vaccine can alleviate some of the suffering.
(Dr. Corey begins at the 25:55min mark.)

Dr. Maria Trent Corey discusses how to boost self esteem in our kids and teens with Dr. Tolu Olabintan
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